Sunday, 1 August 2021

Aroha in my whanau

Aroha in my whanau

I love my family so much because they are fun and kind to me. I even like it when my sister does kind things for me like makes me food and takes me to school. I feel safe.

I remember one day when these girls were mean to me. I called my brother to come and then he helped me. He took the phone that I was playing on and talked to them. He sorted it out.

I love it when my dad gets me special things, just for me. My mum makes me happy too and she is special. 

My favourite whanau saying is: “The family that sticks together, stays together.”

My favourite aroha symbol is:


Sunday, 27 June 2021

Water Awareness

 Hello. On June 8th we went to the pools for the start of Water Awareness. We went onto a bus but the girls were going to come after us. When we got there and we went inside it was loud like LOUD. 

I liked the part when I was floating on my back because I had never done that before and I didn't think I could do it. I also had to use the board to hold onto and kick my legs straight and fast. It was fun. At the end of the lessons we had to do a manu where we make a bomb jump into the water. I made a big splash.

This photo is me and some of the boys in the boat. We had to fall off the boat backwards into the water.

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Revealing my feelings through Art.

On Tuesday I drew a self portrait and it was quite hard because I tried to make it look like me. When we were done drawing our self portrait we had to colour it with wax crayon. First I coloured the body with a green wax crayon because this was my school jumper. Then I was nearly finished but I still had to colour my face but there was no more peach, so I had to wait till the next day. The next day I found a peach so I could finish my colouring. I made my hair black and wavy. 

One day we had to draw the background and this was with a white wax crayon on white paper. It was hard to see the lines we drew to show our feelings but when we painted the blue dye on it, it jumped out of the page. I was now FINISHED! The teacher hung my self portrait on a line across the classroom.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

My Blog Profile

My Profile

My name is Michael and I am Tongan. I was born in New Zealand. I am 8 years old. I live with my mum and dad and I am a year 4 at Saint Patrick’s School. I have two sisters and one brother. My favorite animal is a baby chick because we had some in our classroom this year. My favorite thing to do is watch videos and play games. My favorite subject is drawing. My goal this year is to learn as many things as I can so I can be a builder.